Har du allergi med täppt eller rinnande näsa?

Då kan spirulina vara något för dig! Enligt en studie (se nedan för länk) hade spirulina klinisk effekt mot symptom som täppt näsa, rinnande näsa, nysningar och klåda och detta helt utan biverkningar!

Spirulina har en positiv effekt på hela immunförsvaret och hjälper detta att hålla allergisymptomen under kontroll utan läkemedel.

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The need of continuous medical therapy makes individuals anxious about the side effects of the drugs. So there is a need for an alternative strategy. Effects of spirulina, tinospora cordifolia and butterbur were investigated recently on allergic rhinitis in just very few investigations. Spirulina represents a blue-green alga that is produced and commercialized as a dietary supplement for modulating immune functions, as well as ameliorating a variety of diseases. This double blind, placebo controlled study, evaluated the effectiveness and tolerability of spirulina for treating patients with allergic rhinitis. Spirulina consumption significantly improved the symptoms and physical findings compared with placebo (P < 0.001***) including nasal discharge, sneezing, nasal congestion and itching. Spirulina is clinically effective on allergic rhinitis when compared with placebo. Further studies should be performed in order to clarify the mechanism of this effect.

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